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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220416-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: France,Germany
TC Begins: 10:24:06
TC Ends: 10:31:48
Duration: 00:07:42
A Report On German Morale R2 of 2 German civilians look at Nazi anti-Bolshevik posters (posters are in fact in a non-Germanic language) & buying & reading newspapers. Goebbels, ministry of propaganda, briefs his team (Good) 10:24:40 German troops put on helmets, w/ cigarettes. German film of fighting in France & capturing prisoners. Canadian Parachute Battalion insignia; German troops smoking. Germans hidden in rubble firing; Heavy tanks; railroad guns & rocket launchers - new weapons. 6-engine Messerschmidt ME-323 transport plane taking off & unloading. Doodlebug tank. V-1 robot bomb or rocket, in flight & remains on ground. Bomb crater. 10:27:20 Hitler w/ generals. Nazi soldiers eating, given clothes, in hot tub; officer shakes hands & playfully pokes soldier. German prisoners questioned by allies - good CUs. Interviewing German troops, CU. Headlines re Hitler purging Nazi generals. Hitler speech with Goering, Goebbels & Himmler in front row of audience; MCU Hitler, Goebbels, Goering amidst cheering audience. 10:29:22 SS drill & CU of ranks. Himmler reviewing parade. Fortifications in Germany. SS men in action w/camouflage & own tanks, Air Force & communications. SS parade w/ goose-stepping (GOOD). Bombing Germany antiaircraft guns. Planes, bombing. Allied troops advancing. American war plant & workers come in. GIs on roads in France. WWII Eastern Front; Propaganda; Counter-propaganda; Germany; Nazi; War Effort;