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WWII - 1940s, Eastern Front, Troops, Bombers, Tanks, Fighting

Reel Number: 250063-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Germany,USSR


TC Begins: 04:50:27

TC Ends: 05:00:06

Duration: 00:09:39

WWII - 1940s, Eastern Front, Troops, Bombers, Tanks, Fighting No title. Montage: Eastern Front. General Constantine Hill speaks to young German troops; soldiers rolling 55 gallon drums w/ railroad tank cars behind. Inspects soldiers beside canal bank, trucks, talks to soldier w/ arm in sling. 04:51:04 Maj. Gen. Paul Danhauser inspects & decorates soldiers. 04:51:19 Various groups of Hitler Youth march past in formation in countryside. 04:51:34 Animated map of Don area locates Kalachna-Donu and Lvov, Russia. Tri-motor planes lands in wheat fields & met by trucks; German troops unload bomb from transport. Pan bombs laid across field, planes beyond. MS troops arrange oil drums & supplies on landing field. Montage: refueling planes, load bombs, start engines, taxiing, view above clouds past motors, formation in flight & Don River below. Pilot, cockpit, bombs dropping as JU-88 Junkers bomb train; explosions. GOOD long, low pass over burned out railroad train. Military vehicles moving along dirt roads. 04:54:50 Ground shot of German troops with personnel-carriers and tanks move along road, many horse drawn wagons, portable kitchens & pack animals. 04;55:35 German tanks past, Panzers past farms. 04:55:51 CU Black bird at soldier’s feet, fed by troops. Sitting on barrel of artillery. 04:56:06 Artillery firing at night or dusk. MCUs of Nazi soldiers in foxholes. Huge number of tanks parked in fields w/ troops on top; move forward, POV from on top & inside; engage Russian tanks & close hatch, firing & view from inside. Tank explodes. 04:57:40 Prisoners walking across field w/ hands raised. Fields burning around tanks. 04:58:14 CU tank w/ closed hatches, man out of top & fires pistol towards formation of planes overhead. Planes dive bombing, explosions. Nazi soldiers watch, on has tripod & camera on pack. Troops gather rifles & weapons, move forward & begin firing from field towards village or farm buildings. Artillery firing. 04:59:43 Bodies, tanks moving forward; CU of tank crew. LS of tanks. WW2 Fighting; Battles; Germans; Soviets; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.

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