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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221134-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: Germany,Poland,Spain,Ukraine,USSR
Location: galicia,Lemberg / Lvov,lUTZK / lUTSK
TC Begins: 15:10:08
TC Ends: 15:17:09
Duration: 00:07:01
WWII - 1941, Germany: Newsreel re German Fighting In Poland; Ukraine (?). R2 Pt. 2 Cont’d. Pan across field full of PoWs resting by roadside; prisoners begin march as convoy proceeds. 15:11:27 German troops given water in Galicia (Southeast Poland) region; women on farm capture pig. Civilians helping build fortifications and road across farmland - forced labor? German anti-aircraft heavy artillery shoot down Soviet plane. Burning debris in field. Burned-out Soviet plane. Good CU of markings. 15:13:23 Luftwaffe bombers take off. Air to air shots Luftwaffe Heinkel He-111 bombers in flight; top shots bombs dropping; aerials countryside w/ explosions; flak clouds; PoV from machine gunner’s position; flak; silhouette bombers in flight over ground; top shot carpet bombing; bombs hit road target and armament industry; large formation of Luftwaffe Heinkel He-111 bombers in flight. Air to air shots. 15:15:45 German troops marching in sun, smile at camera. Battle montage as music reaches crescendo - soldiers run out of trenches; CUs tanks through barbed wire; shells loaded; heavy guns fired; bombing Soviet position w/ Stuka dive bombing. WW2; Eastern Front; Russia / USSR; Operation Barbarossa; Propaganda montage; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.