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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220287-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1940s
Country: Russia,USSR,Uzbekistan
Location: Moscow,UZBEKISTAN
TC Begins: 09:19:10
TC Ends: 09:27:23
Duration: 00:08:13
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1941, USSR Newsreel: Military Training; Oil Industry; Civil Defense Titles. 09:19:37 Cyrillic Intertitles. 09:19:51 Streamlined twin-engine plane taking off from grass field; biplane taking off & in sky; captured German POWs. Red Army disembarks from barge. 09:20:21 Tanks, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft guns firing & German plane down in smoke, another crashes & explodes. German tanks advance over rough ground (staged). Red Army infantry. German POWs captured; sit on ground in field & smoke. 09:22:26 Intertitles. Oil wells, derricks & drilling; pumping. Men work, camel in background. Tilt up oil tower. Trucks. CS of crude oil flowing Train w / oil tank cars being filled. 09:23:49 Women in factory w/ sewing machines. Foreman inspects work, shows women how to sow. 09:24:51 Intertitle. Woman runs out & cranks air raid siren. Red Cross, nurses run out w/ stretchers & perform first aid. Training in Uzbekistan. Nurses in gas masks carry wounded on stretcher. Stand in review. 09:26:14 Intertitle. Training for civilians how to put out incendiary bombs in Moscow. Women w/ shovels throw sand on fire bomb. People sit in park watching. Man w/ bucket pours water on fire bomb. The End WW2: Petroleum; Russian Homefront; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Sound track background noise (?P). NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: