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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221231-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Estonia,France,Germany,Latvia,Poland,Ukraine,USA,USSR
Location: Kurland,Luneville,Warsaw
TC Begins: 20:09:47
TC Ends: 20:23:21
Duration: 00:13:34
WWII - 1944, German Newsreel: Baltic States; Poland; France; Germany, Homefront Titles. Workers out of mine (?) to dig canal on Western Front (?), collect shovels en route. Barbed wire & large boards unloaded from railroad freight cars, pour concrete for bunker (?) construction. Nazi officers remove uniforms, rings & help dig. Civilians also digging. 20:11:36 Map of Eastern Front Baltic States. Estonian civilians boarding ship w/ bags, kids; evacuated on German passenger ships; escorted by German Navy warships; convoy at sea. Woman thanks Navy Captain or officer for evacuation. 20:12:50 Latvian troops join German army; sworn in as Luftwaffe flak gunners, march past in review. 20:13:22 Several Focke Wulf FW-190s fly over Eastern Front; attack cars & marching troops. Air to air shots fighters in formation; bombs away - gun camera footage. POV from planes strafing w/ grenade launchers. 20:14:11 Early morning - infantry & camouflaged trucks & guns on way to attack bridge. Kurland Latvia, more soldiers & tanks to front. Troops in trenches wait for enemy attack, Russian T-34 tank attacked by German tank, burning. German snipers watch from wooded area. Russian tank along road, attacked. German infantry crawl forward, examine wreckage of Soviet tanks. 20:16:21 Warsaw - suppression of Polish uprising in city - aerial dive bombing by Junkers Ju-87 Stukas - huge buildings explode. German Stuka dive-bombing at very steep angle. 20:17:00 Map of Western Front. German troops past on tanks, smile; others advance on foot. Gen. von Manteuffel consults w/ officer. Tanks & infantry across field. Firing & American trucks captured, wounded US soldiers taken prisoner. German troops in Luneville, northeast France; sign on building Moncel-Les-Luneville. Street fighting in ruins of town. Huge explosion in distance. 20:19:19 Goebbels leaves meeting w/ Field Marshal Model; Goebbels smiling from open top car as Model gives Nazi salute. Sign ‘Front und Heimat Home Front - Kennen nur ein Ziel: Kampf bis zum Sieg!’. INT Goebbels addresses workers in armament factory, Cologne sync. sound - trans. “It’s a difference between occupying Paris & Bucharest, or Cologne & Koenigsberg... No illusions, living under American occupation wouldn’t be better than living under Russian occupation... We will never give up this region western Germany”. CUs men & young women in audience listening to speech - applause. Some older as well. Patriotic song over shots of panzer division lined up in field, crews at attention - tanks advance in review formation. End. WW2; Russia / USSR; Artillery; Warsaw Uprising; Military Aviation; Aircraft; Patriotism; Fighting; Civilians Evacuating; Evacuation; Germany Homefront; Sep44 (?); Propaganda; Slave (?) Labor; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.