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Catholic VIP speaking; Arrival; Mussolini Speaking

Reel Number: 221207-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Italy


TC Begins: 22:35:55

TC Ends: 22:38:55

Duration: 00:03:00

Catholic VIP speaking; Arrival; Mussolini Speaking Cardinal at microphone speaking (SOF) in English at National Eucharistic Congress on behalf of Pope Pius XII. 22:36:53 Heavy set Catholic VIP w/ glasses helped off train. In car w/ previous Cardinal. 1940s. Church on hilltop w/ crowd around. Leads procession. 22:37:24 LS from rooftop thru banners over Square filled w/ crowd. Mussolini in army uniform w/ medals on stone balcony like prow of ship, speaking (SOF) in front of microphones. Soldiers & others in huge crowd, cheering, waving & a few fascist salutes. 1930s; Religion - Roman Catholic Church;

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