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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221131-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940,1942
Country: Germany,Italy,Japan,USA
TC Begins: 09:25:52
TC Ends: 09:34:25
Duration: 00:08:33
Hoover Dam & others, electricity supply towers. Newspaper headlines re Senators Oppose the League of Nations, Tariff Act, Dry Law, prohibition. Montage electoral conventions in US. Hitler posters & brief street scene. Polling papers w/ single name Adolf Hitler. Compares freedom of Americans to read anything as opposed to book burning of forbidden authors in Germany 09:27:06 US church spires, choir singing Onward Christian Soldiers. Baby, children play, swings & slide. Kids at school & montage of at play. Nazi flag, German kids loading artillery. 09:28:56 Japanese flag. Title: “To Die for the Emperor is to Live Forever”. Italian flag, title: “Three cheers for war, noble and beautiful above all”. Italian child Blackshirts practice put on gas masks during exercise. American children donate funds for Japanese children. 09:29:32 Nazi marching band, smiling Hitler, shots Goering, Mussolini. Montage German, Japanese & Italian crowds. Hitler makes speech very animated some SOF. CU Hess, Goering, Goebbels, DietrichTodt,Reinhardt, Darre, Ley (w/ titles over). Montage crowds Banzai, Heil Hitler, young Italian Fascists saluting. 09:31:30 1940 Hitler with Kurusu, Japanese Ambassador at time of Pearl Harbor, Von Ribbentrop signs Tripartite pact. Animated maps showing Italian, Japanese and German expansion plans. Continued... Pre-WWII; Propaganda; Pre-WW2 History;