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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221193-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: Germany,Italy,Poland
Location: Abruzzo,Bay of Salerno ?,Campo imperatore,East Prussia,gran sasso,MILAN,Rome,wolfs lair,Wolfsschanze
TC Begins: 08:16:22
TC Ends: 08:23:56
Duration: 00:07:34
UFA Ausland Ton-Woche Newsreel w/ Portuguese Narration Identical to Die Deutsche Wochenschau No.681 Sep43 Map of Italy. German troop reinforcements in Northern Italy on way to Front. Field Marshal Rommel. German SS officers marching; SS trucks & tanks thru Italian towns including Milan. German paratroops in battle following Allied landing in Bay of Salerno. Troops outside German embassy in Rome. Woman pulls kitten out of soldier’s jacket. Troops in trucks past Colosseum / Coliseum. NB Film out of rack several times between 08:18:55 - 08:19:40 08:19:34 12Sep43 SS paratroop commando unit en route to rescue Mussolini from mountain stronghold in Abruzzo region. Troops briefed by officer. Shots of hotel on Campo Imperatore plateau of Gran Sasso mountain Apennines, where Mussolini held by Italian government after being deposed. Mussolini in black coat & hat poses w/ rescuers; soldier sends message over radio out of rack briefly; PoV from cable car. Mussolini into light aircraft w/ SS Col. Otto Skorzeny - waved off by rescuers. 08:22:01 14Sep43 Mussolini out of Junkers Ju-52 transport plane on airfield at Fuehrer HQ Wolfsschanze or Wolf’s Lair in East Prussia, greeted by Hitler & son Vittorio; into Mercedes limousine. Mussolini out of car, shakes hands w/ von Ribbentrop; into building w/ Hitler. Mussolini back to airfield & waved off by Hitler - Ju-52 plane bound for Italy. Music after picture. WWII; Axis Powers; WW2 Rescue Missions; Escape; Fascist Italy; Operation Avalanche - Allied Invasion.