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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221659-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1944,1940s
Country: England,Italy,United Kingdom,USA
Location: genoa,Naples,North Africa
TC Begins: 02:56:51
TC Ends: 03:06:56
Duration: 00:10:05
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1940s, North African Anglo-American Operations - Landing Montage: Shipboard spotters w/ binoculars. Soldiers playing piano, cards, cleaning rifles, exercising, reading, scrubbing deck, reading western novel while eating apple. Rainbow. 02:57:37 Admiral’s flag flying; signaling. Men reading instructions, map North Africa. Animated map of convoys for Operation Acrobat showing entering Gibraltar straits & landing points at Casablanca, Oran, Algiers & moving across North Africa to Tripoli & Bengasi (Benghazi). Globe showing supply lines around world. 02:59:25 View past anchor chain to freighter. Exercising on deck, CUs. Lifeboat drill. Peeling potatoes. men relaxing on board; washing hanging out; writing letters; standing at rail. News Bulletin 08Nov42 posted re 8th Army causing German retreat. 03:00:45 Night, bomber taking off. Night bombing explosions, Genoa, Naples, others. (GOOD) 03:01:09 Night, submarine on surface. CU Gen. Mark Clark; Eisenhower at Gibraltar & w/ Gen. Henry Giraud riding in jeep. 03:01:24 German soldier w/ binoculars looking to sea at Dover (?) cliffs. 03:01:30 Animation of convoys entering Gibraltar strait. Night of ships at sea; men waiting shipboard. Fascist offices in Rome & Berlin w/ lights on; Hitler; communications officers. 03:02:14 Ships anchored & underway; signaling. Men cleaning guns, listening to Gen. Patton (recreated?) “...remember the French are not Nazis or Japs.” CU 08Nov42 Order of the Day. Soldiers off ship into lifeboats; ship whistles, lowering boats. Sailors waiting. Ships firing & shelling Casablanca. Night landing. 03:05:12 Searchlights moving vertical signifying French acceptance of landing. 03:05:19 Fighter planes take off past Rock of Gibraltar. Troops landing at Algiers. Admiral Jean Francois Darlan & surrendering city. Animation of Oran landing point; paratroops out of planes. 03:06:33 Casablanca fighting, ships firing, explosions, landing craft to shore, planes overhead & anti-aircraft guns firing. WW2; Military Planning; 1944; 1943; 1942; 1940s; Training; North African Invasion; Operation Torch; Operation Acrobat; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Sound missing first 8 seconds. Good quality. Film contains staged footage as well as actuality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: