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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1301-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1940s,1941,1942
Country: Austria,China,Ethiopia,Germany,Italy,Japan,Mongolia,Switzerland,USA
Location: Geneva,Mongolia,Shanghai
TC Begins: 10:36:43
TC Ends: 10:44:01
Duration: 00:07:18
WWII Historical Compilation R2 Bombers overhead; Chinese running & bodies after bombing by Japan. 10:36:50 League of Nations ext. Internal, debate. 10:37:19 Japanese ships firing on China; marching into Shanghai to flag raising. Marching out w/ flags. 10:37:54 Moving into Mongolia. League meeting exit by Japan. 10:38:14 Japan firing artillery, troop further into China, running, ladders up to wall, pilots into dive-bombers, bombing, fires. Chinese troops along Great Wall. 10:39:37 Japan scenics. Baseball diamond & team marching. Japanese Navy, sailors, ships, planes. Tanks down street in large maneuver. Troops, emperor reviewing. 10:41:39 Italy Fascists marching. Mussolini speaking from balcony. Air Force. Ethiopian tibesman / forces vs Italian air force. Explosions. Artillery. 10:42:38 Stadium w/ Japanese flags waving; Italians & Japanese military & speakers together. 10:43:11 Emperor reviewing marching troops; Goose stepping German s & Hitler into Austria past German banners w/ swastikas & people lining roads & streets. (good shots) WW2; 1942; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Pacific War; European War; Axis Alliance; Sino-Japanese War; History; Summary; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: