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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221370-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1947
Country: Japan
Location: Hiroshima,Nagasaki
TC Begins: 10:46:12
TC Ends: 10:54:06
Duration: 00:07:54
The Atom Strikes! Pt. 3 of 3 Shots of destruction in Hiroshima w/ temporary homes being built w/ scrap materials. CU 1945 newspaper headlines: ‘Atom Bomb Stuns Foe’. Map of Japan showing Nagasaki. 10:47:02 Nagasaki scenes prior to bombing: seaport activity; Japanese workers on munitions production line. Map of locations of two Mitsubishi factories - bomb dropped in between in industrial valley. Aerials atomic explosion & mushroom cloud. 10:48:49 Aerials damaged & flattened areas of Nagasaki; remains of Mitsubishi steel & arms plant. Steel frame wreckage & smoke stacks, foundry building w/ damaged factory machinery. Civilian housing in valley destroyed; machines used by workers at home still standing in rubble. 380-degree pan across flattened area. Ruins of prison. Ruined church at foot of hills a mile from “Zero Point”. Dome blown from top of church into nearby creek. Gasworks. Destroyed bridge. 10:53:07 Civilians & army vehicles along road thru ruins - troops in back of trucks. Typical Japanese house on outskirts of city, two walls gone. Survivors rebuilding homes. 10:53:39 Atomic explosion, probably New Mexico desert test. Nuclear War; Post-WWII Japan; Destruction; Horrors of War;