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You in Japan Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 220317-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: Japan,Japan - Occupied

Location: Hiroshima,Kyoto,mount fuji,Tokyo

TC Begins: 22:51:14

TC Ends: 23:00:16

Duration: 00:09:02

You in Japan Pt. 2 of 2 Party in car leave hotel, stop in the mountains, Mount Fuji. Party rowing on lake Yamaguchi under Fuji. 22:51:50 Top shot Kyoto - stock shots of buildings, temples, gardens. Ceremonial dance troupe perform w/ masks & swords. Osaka industrial area - interior factories & steel mill, shipyards. 22:53:05 Communist posters - Japanese communist agent speaking to street gathering. Commentary very anti-communist, says the very presence of Americans at these meeting causes disruption. Japanese girls gesturing. Communist parade carrying US effigy, crowd watching. 22:53:51 Hiroshima & destroyed buildings. New buildings in Hiroshima, schools, construction work. Tracking shot thru countryside. Diesel trains, office buildings. Traditional Japanese dancing, archery on horseback contest, sumo wrestling. Street festival w/ Dragon dancers - floats. 22:55:40 Night shots - fireworks of city. 22:55:56 Japanese tea ceremony w/ woman kneeling & two others watching. 22:56:40 Tokyo - street scenes, traffic & pedestrians. Interior office of toy making factory. Production manager explains job (VO). Sequence of manager returning home at end of working day, w/ wife & daughter eating rice. Montage of Japanese faces. Imperial Palace. Japanese parliament building, Diet. I nterior Diet. 22:58:13 Street sign Ginza Street, American soldier trying on silk jacket at stall. Interior of street market - bartering, haggling soldier. Night shots Ginza street - neon lights & signs. Interior theatre, chorus girls dancing in feathered costumes. Back on board transport ship. The End. Cold War; Anti-Communist; Military Training Film; Orientation Film; Cultures; Asian Cultural Differences;

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