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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1187-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Austria,Germany,Norway,Poland
Location: Auschwitz,Belsen,Bergen,Ebensee,gardelegen,Hadamar,LANDSBERG,Leipzig,Mauthausen,Nuremberg,Offenburg,Ohrdruf,Verballen,Weimar
TC Begins: 03:11:07
TC Ends: 03:20:38
Duration: 00:09:31
Continued.... Pt. 2 of 2 LS cemetery at Hadamar. Uncovering bodies; emaciated woman pulled from grave & bodies laid out. Allied War Crimes inspectors prepare for autopsies. Montage of bodies at concentration camps inc. Mauthausen, Ohrdruf, Landsberg, Bergen-Belsen, Dachua, Auschwitz, corpses from varioius killing methods inc. shooting, poison gas, starvation; CUs bodies w/ flies; dead baby. Bodies on carts. Exhumations. 03:12:37 Gates of Dachau w/ Nazi swastika and eagle statue. Bodies laid out, stacked, dead w/ flies, baby. Bodies moved on carts; Ebensee w/ starved bodies. Pan over bodies filling yard in Belsen. Nordhausen bodies, CUs of faces. 03:13:51 Leipzig w/ bodies on wires & along fence. 03:14:11 Women survivors at Mauthausen in yard. Rumsdorf women in barracks; wounds treated by medics. 03:14:48 Children survivors at Auschwitz walk between high barbed wire; show tattoos w/ ID numbers. CUs. 03:15:10 Oldsen survivors inc. man whose eyes gouged out. 03:15:32 Extremely starved survivors at Ebensee. Sign: Arbeit macht frei. Offenburg, Verballen, Belsen survivors so emaciated can hardly walk. Bodies of those who died after liberation laid out. Starved survivors; camp yard. 03:16:59 Captured Nazi officials & party leaders forced to tour concentration camps; citizens of Weimar assembled & marched to view camps. 03:17:39 Civilians smiling as they walk out of houses to camp; sign: Adolf Hitler Strasse. Civilians pass open coffins & trucks piled w/ bodies; expressions changed to horror. 03:19:34 Montage of Nuremberg rally, crowds cheer and salute Hitler. Germans carry crosses for graves. The End. Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Nazi war atrocities; Holocaust Aftermath; War Crimes; War Criminals; Horrorific; Survivors; NOTE: This card sold as one reel; or any continuous ten minutes of film (2 cards) sold at per reel rate.