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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221369-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940,1940s
Country: France,Germany
Location: Floing
TC Begins: 09:22:05
TC Ends: 09:32:47
Duration: 00:10:42
WWII - 1940, France: German Panzer Invasion German 19th Tank Corps & von Kleist group offensive against France, Jun40. 1st, 2nd & 10th Panzer DIv. Nazi troops in rubber raft w small artillery crossing canal; trucks & equipment across on small wooden bridge. 09:22:34 Animation on map w/ Germans approaching Neufchateau & moving past Arlon & thru Ardennes 09:23:15 POV along road through town; tank nearly tipped over into river. Trucks, tanks advancing past resting infantry & motorcycles. German reconnaissance plane taking off from grass airstrip. Officers lay on ground looking at maps; plane returns. Tanks advance up dusty road. 09:24:50 Map showing advance & crossing of Ardennes. Officers on ground w/ maps. Map & more detail of advance showing Vivler, St. Menges, Jlly, La Chapelle. 09:26:05 German troops advance, motorcycles across footbridge; trucks fording river. 09:26:41 Super-imposed title: Bouillon. Tanks fording river. LS trucks fording river. Tank up road. Heavy smoke in town by river; stone bridge destroyed. Various personnel carriers on road. Men working to build bridge w/ trucks crossing in background. Officers watching & looking irritated. Crossing on completed small bridge. Truck thru tunnel. Long line of camouflaged trucks waiting on road; troops drinking from large wine bottle. Military vehicles waved ahead. Others waiting. POV along road past trucks, tank following closely. 09:29:11 Infantry advancing along bombed area; trucks past; destroyed houses. Deserted town. Floing (France) painted on wall. Buildings still smoking, infantry walking thru. Building burning behind plaque commemorating Floing in WWI. 09:31:12 Animated map showing Maginot Line at Flize, Donchery, Remilly. Airplane symbols showing bombing the line. WWII Fall of France; WW2 German Invasion; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.