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Ambassador Grew in Japan; Japanese Ambassador to US Makes Statement - 1941

Reel Number: 221034-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1941

Country: Japan


TC Begins: 08:07:56

TC Ends: 08:08:54

Duration: 00:00:58

Ambassador Grew in Japan; Japanese Ambassador to US Makes Statement - 1941 Si MS Ambassador Grew making after-dinner speech23/2/2011 in Japan dark. Grew poses for camera w/ wife. 08:08:15 Sd Japanese ambassador to US Horinouchi ? interviewed in Japan: “I am looking forward to my impending return to Washington...many brilliant memories for me...I will endeavour to the best of my abilities to carry into practice ? my firm belief that there are no problems between our two countries that cannot be solved as among friends”. WWII. Pearl Harbor - related.

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