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General George Marshall testifies before Pearl Harbor Committee

Reel Number: 221164-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: USA

Location: DC,Washington

TC Begins: 05:50:57

TC Ends: 05:59:50

Duration: 00:08:53

General George Marshall testifies before Pearl Harbor Committee. Cordell Hull speaking before committee telling of meeting w/ Japanese diplomats. 05:53:25 Marshall takes oath. Explains his whereabouts on Dec. 7th, explains US position before Pearl Harbor invasion; reading his letter to Governor Dewey. Talks about preparation training for possible attacks. Talks about shortage of bombers, anti-aircraft guns; talks about level of troops being adequate for preventing a landing. 05:58:50 Talks about his letter to General Short warning of possible sneak attack and its effect. Others present as per card General Short, Admiral Stark Post-WWII Congressional Hearings; Congressional Investigations.

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