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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220360-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1942,1943,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii
TC Begins: 01:14:00
TC Ends: 01:22:20
Duration: 00:08:20
WWII - 1940s, Hawaii Documentary Drama: re Japanese Buy Bonds; Arrested; Propaganda SOF Japanese buying war bonds. Soldiers arresting disloyal & Japanese undercover agents. Boarded up stores. Japanese taking down signs in Japanese characters. Language schools & Shinto temples boarded up. Banzai Cafe sign removed & replaced w/ Keep ‘Em Flying Cafe sign. 01:15:25 Sentry waving trucks thru street checkpoint. Aloha tower in camouflage paint; Lurline Ocean liner w/ band playing on dock; troop ship arriving. Barbed wire on Waikiki Beach. Deserted Honolulu streets. 01:15:59 Blackout w/ house closed; dark buildings & houses w/ sunset behind. 01:16:35 Sailor standing in cemetery facing camera, SOF: “So that’s the story of Pearl Harbor... Staged as though he’s dead, cynical soldier comes along talking about killed on Marne talks of other military deaths. Walk alongside the headstones talking: “...make the world safe, period. Safe for us to continue our democracy; safe for any other nation who may choose to live under a democracy or any other book of rules, whatever its name; just as long as they call a fair ball fair, and a foul ball foul.” “America decided it didn’t want to play ball w/ the international league & so they left Wilson out there on third base & they walked off the field...” Cynic goes on to say how they’ll open up new sections after people forget about this war. Optimistic sailor goes on suggesting there will be peace. 01:20:34 Flags of Allied Nations in wind, named w/ music behind. 01:22:04 Plane skywriting a V for Victory. WW2 Docudrama; Pearl Harbor Attack Aftermath; Repairing Ships; War Preparations; Defenses; Wartime Daily Life; USA Government Propaganda; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.