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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1301-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1940s,1941,1942
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Hawaii,New York City,NYC,Pearl Harbor
TC Begins: 10:26:34
TC Ends: 10:36:28
Duration: 00:09:54
WWII Historical Compilation R1 Titles, including authenticity. 10:27:23 Bombers overhead, Pearl Harbor scenes w/ planes on field, ships docked in harbor, sun thru clouds. Bombers from above. 10:28:06 Aftermath & smoke w/ burning hangers & ships. Wreckage from water. Ship fire & heavy black smoke, wreckage & overturned hulls. 10:29:15 President Roosevelt speaking to Congress declaring War - Day of Infamy speech. J 10:30:13 Japanese Ambassador Nomura & envoy Kurusu past photographers, down steps. 10:30:28 FDR continues speaking; men & crowd listening to radio in streets. Speech continues, applause. 10:31:48 Title & CUs, SOF re opposing war. ??; Senator Burton Wheeler - “You who oppose war & dictatorship do not be dismayed...”. Senator Willkie “at this critical moment in the world’s history when the Democracies of Europe...we want to assist...”; ?? “England is the last & only barrier between the United States & total war...must give President Roosevelt power...” 10:33:14 LS Interiors of Congress. 10:33:25 Students picketing White House for Peace. Others picketing pickets. Women demonstrate against war. Brown Shirts at rallies & 1939 German-American Bund rally in Madison Square Garden w/ marching beneath George Washington banner - dissenter disrupts Fritz Kuhn SOF speech. 10:35:01 Labor Unions picketing & fighting outside factories. Strikers hosed. Idle plants. 10:35:38 Pearl Harbor ships on fire. Japanese troops at docks boarding ships. Chin Hsien railroad platform & train. Japanese troops into Manchuria w/ wagons & flag. WW2; 1942; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Pacific War; Documentary; History; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: