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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221746-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Hawaii,Honolulu,Pearl Harbor
TC Begins: 04:11:09
TC Ends: 04:21:57
Duration: 00:10:48
WWII - Color, 1942, USA Homefront: Staged Pearl Harbor Attack; Damaged Ships; Honolulu, Hawaii Soldier running after setting biplane on fire, burning on grassy field w/ soldiers hurrying past. CUs, flames, smoke & soldiers w/ rifles past. Pan other planes burning & scattered wreckage; officer runs thru w/ torch. NOTE: shot for reconstruction of 07Dec41 attack on Pearl Harbor. Plane w/ Japanese markings burning. 04:16:30 Submerged hull of damaged battleships USS California (BB-44), USS Pennsylvania (BB-38), & USS Nevada (BB-36) seen in the harbor from small boat. 04:18:17 Men shown as they began salvage work on the USS California. 04:19:06 Aircraft carrier seen at anchor. 04:20:04 CUs of battleships w/ small boats moving about in harbor; pipeline across water. 04:21:06 MCU entrance to a public air raid / bomb shelters w/ sign, camouflaged large building; soldier in sandbagged sentry post. WW2; Post-Pearl Harbor; NOTE: VERY GOOD color & action.