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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200549-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: China,France,Germany,India
TC Begins: 07:02:36
TC Ends: 07:11:54
Duration: 00:09:18
France Libre Actualities No. 8 1944 General Leclerc and other VIPs at ceremony. Vietnamese troops standing in front of huge cauldron, incense burner? Man speaking in French (out of sync} of the need to rid Indochina of the Japanese. Montage brief shots Buddhist temple. Bridge spanning river. Roads and trains. Reservoir. Hydro-electric dam, natives work in paddy fields. Exterior Institut Pasteur, interior with scientists working. Cholera vaccine packed. Natives do Callisthenics. French Indochina troops parade, elephant at right of frame. General de Gaulle makes speech (out of sync). Audience listening including Vietnamese. 07:04:58 General de Gaulle out of car, decorates and reviews troops 07:05:40 Free French troops. Refugees, many women pushing prams and children moving down road. Road sign Plouharnel. Free French troops remove barricade to allow refugees to pass. Group of refugees arrive at farmhouse, woman wearing headdress of Brittany. Interiors, woman stokes fire, woman and child refugee sitting by fire 07:06:40 Artillery fired, allied troops advance. Tanks with flails move forward. British troops advance across field. Stretcher bearers with injured man. Free French firing artillery. Long line of tanks moving up across field. 07:08:31 US airforce, crew arrive on sledge - snow covered airfield. Fighter planes take off. Gun camera footage strafing railway lines and German positions. Plane making crash landing on snow crashes into another stationary plane - actually seen. 07:09:30 Military vehicles moving up along snowy roads. Siegfried Line in snow. Tanks moving up. Tanks firing at village, tanks and infantry moving through rubble of remains of village. Germans taken prisoner. Allied troops on outskirts of large town or city ? Artillery fired to destroy bridge over river. WW2;