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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1640-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: France,USA
Location: Brest
TC Begins: 10:00:01
TC Ends: 10:11:54
Duration: 00:11:53
WWII - 1944, France: 2nd Division Campaign, Brest. 25Aug44 INV 1526. Brest. 2nd Div. Camera: ?? LS across bay & up coast to smoke rising in distance, some closer. Pan estuary ending on smoke, multiple takes beginning or ending on smoke. 10:01:07 Slate: same. Camera: Lt. Bell Roll 3. 10:01:11 Troops in columns on each side of hillside road towards camera; MCU passing; many young looking. 10:01:12 Slate: same, roll 4. Two officers look at map in doorway w/ cardboard sign: Task Force 3. CU, talk, mark. 10:02:57 LS Jeeps parked beside large formation of rock as though stacked. MCU men watching thru binoculars from rocks. Slate: same, roll 5. MCU from behind men looking; shots of smoke rising in various areas. MCU spotting telescope & field telephone. Planes in sky, tilt down to smoke. Slate: rsame, roll 6. Large clouds of smoke rising over water. Pan wide spans of bridge to town in trees; farms. 10:05:02 Formation of bombers / planes overhead. 10:05:17 View down onto smoke town. Slate: same, roll 7. View down over brush & trees to estuary & farms on other side. 10:05:34 Soldiers up from clearing & past. Double column up brush-lined road, halted, then walking past w/ weapons & ammunition. Various shots walking past stone wall. 10:07:36 Slate: 8” Howitzer firing on Brest. Officer & men beside field telephone & w/ maps relaying information from shelter of trees. MCU officer under camouflage netting on field telephone, signaling & firing Howitzer; men run to reload. 10:08:38 Slate: 25Aug44 Det. 10 Cameraman V. Rasmussen. Reel 2. Men loading & firing howitzer from emplacement. Reloading; fusing artillery shell & two men move into place & men loading, powder charge added & fired. Slate: same. CUs of sighting, firing, barrel & white smoke, raising, firing, repeat. WW2; NOTE: Good quality photographer & interesting shots.