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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220443-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1942,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Pacific Islands
TC Begins: 10:57:32
TC Ends: 11:07:01
Duration: 00:09:29
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: R3 of 3 Animated map showing Australia & route for Japanese attack thru Coral Sea. Midway & attack route to Aleutian Islands. 10:57:48 US fleet - aircraft carrier, planes pushed into position on deck. Men relax in mess. Bugler plays reveille thru loudspeakers; crew called to action stations. Pilots in ready rooms for briefing. SOF. 10:59:04 Radio room - after Japanese ship is spotted radio operator relays bearings to ready room by radio. 10:59:28 Pilots scramble. Excellent montage as planes warm up & take off. 11:00:28 Formation flight overhead. Big guns on aircraft carrier. Japanese aircraft over, US guns firing - flak. Aircraft carrier hit & explodes. Plane crash landing in sea. Anti-aircraft fire. Plane crashes into sea. Carrier on fire; MCU gun turret firing & planes down in flames. VERY GOOD. 11:02:51 Sailors listening to radio announcement that more of Japanese fleet sighted. Air-to-air, aircraft formation in flight, diving & bombs dropped. 11:03:34 Celebrations in radio room as message comes that Japanese aircraft carrier has been sunk. US navy planes landing on carrier. Graphic comparing losses. 11:04:37 American submarines in port / dock - preparing for operations, torpedoes loaded. 11:05:13 Sub sets sail; diagram of route. Sub at sea on surface. Captain sees enemy fleet thru binoculars. 11:05:51 Alarm sounded - dive. Various interior shots submarine & crew. CU depth gauge; periscope; radiomen; firing torpedoes - ship explosion seen thru periscope & sinking. 11:06:51 Closing titles: By August, 1942, the Navy had gathered enough strength... (abrupt end). Pacific War; WWII; WW2; History; Fighting; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good quality & good action. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: