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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250197-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1943
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Pacific
TC Begins: 14:52:26
TC Ends: 15:02:11
Duration: 00:09:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943, Pacific: USA Naval Carrier Activities Main titles. 14:52:45 1920s battleship launching / catapulting biplane. 14:52:57 Biplanes landing / taking off from early anchored aircraft carrier. 14:53:21 Launching of USS Lexington, CV-16; views of activity. Other carrier activity. Sailors boarding up gangway to hanger deck. Officers & sailors on deck; marines. People on shore wave goodbye. Four carriers anchored. 14:55:01 Unid. carrier thru Panama Canal to Pacific; planes massed on deck. 14:55:29 Sailors scrubbing / cleaning decks, washing clothes, working below deck; eating at canteen / mess; in bunks. 14:56:05 Pilots briefing interior & on deck. Lookout. CV underway. 14:56:30 Sailors dive from carrier, swim. Sailors pose on anchor chain, diving; others underneath hull & diving. 14:57:08 Planes overhead (brief); sailor blowing horn into microphone & sailors run to battle stations. Planes readied & pilots to planes. Planes taking off. POV from plane to carrier. Ship's gun crews down several Japanese planes in a raging battle at sea. Much flak 15:00:12 Lone sailor / crewman running on carrier platform under fire. Battle footage. 15:01:01 Planes land on carrier. 15:01:26 Drawing of many aircraft carriers & animation of planes towards Japan. Actual planes in flight (opticals?). Four carriers underway 15:02:08 03:02:06 The End. WW2 Naval Battle; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Spanish language. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: