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Go to HomepageReel Number: H0863-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1945
Country: Russia,USA
Location: Kiril Islands,North Pacific,off Matsuwa
TC Begins: 05:08:08
TC Ends: 05:14:14
Duration: 00:06:06
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1945, Pacific: Winter Ice Aboard Destroyer USS Wren CU Forecastle bridge & rail of DD USS Wren heavily coated w/ ice & ice littering deck. 05:08:47 LS Silhouette view of Omaha class cruiser l. to r. in heavy seas underway. Ice. Cruiser r. to l. 05:09:28 CU Heavy ice on forecastle & bridge; railings ice-coated. 05:10:16 CU Wake of DD, in heavy sea, iced depth charge racks FG 05:10:52 CU Heavily iced rail & bridge of DD; railings; antenna. MS Well iced side depth charge racks on DD 05:11:50 MS officer walking along deck; MS enlisted man along deck past depth charges. Side views of seas. CU enlisted man posed as though looking out to sea. 05:13:39 MS DD in line of bearing (over exposed). WW2; Winter Weather; US Naval; Naval Operations; NOTE: USS Wren was w/ Task Force 92 / TF 92 between Nov44 & Apr45 in northern Pacific against Kiril islands. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: