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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250066-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: China,USA
Location: Hawaii,Pacific,Pearl Harbor,Shanghai
TC Begins: 10:37:25
TC Ends: 10:48:55
Duration: 00:11:30
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Pacific: USS Sennet (SS-408) Attacks Japanese Freighter ca Febr45; Military Cemetery; Tokyo Harbor & Damage 23Nov45; 7th Fleet Command Change; USS Sea Dog (SS-401) LS thru periscope of freighter being torpedoed, second torpedo hit. (poor quality) 10:39:02 Pan military cemetery of white crosses. 10:39:13 LS Unidentified naval small craft underway, signaling. LS & MS. 10:39:43 Aerial 23Nov45 Sunken ship in harbor; smoking dock & burned out Tokyo and vicinity. 10:40:25 Black slug. 10:41:04 06Jan46. Changing Command of 7th FLT. Shanghai China as MCU ADM C.M. COOK, Jr., COM7thFLT, arrives at Kiangwan Field & off plane, MCU ADM COOK greeted by RADM W.F. BOONE, Chief of Staff, & CAPT COOK, Medical Officer for 7th FLT Staff. MCU ADM COOK & RADM BOONE greeted by RADM S.S. MURRAY, Staff 7th FLT RADM C.T. JOY, CO, Yangtze Patrol Force; CAPT R.E. BLUE, Asst. Chief of Staff and CAPT D.L. MILLS, Air Officer, 7th FLT. 10:43:00 Flare burning on water. Yellow ?? being lassoed. Men on submarine deck, others in / on Conning Tower, activities, navigation w/ sextent, etc. aboard USS SEADOG (SS-401) & entering Pearl Harbor 05Jul45., band playing on shore / dock. Large group of officers greeted aboard US submarine in Pearl Harbor. WW2 Naval Battles; Fighting; Navy; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: