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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280101-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Climax,Colorado,Everglades,farnborough,Florida,New Mexico,White Sands
TC Begins: 01:47:31
TC Ends: 01:54:53
Duration: 00:07:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title: Science... 01:47:41 Observatory in top of mountains; skiers along ridge - Astrophysicist Dr. Walter Orr Roberts & wife. MCU of observatory. Int. w/ astronomer beside telescope / chronograph studying sun disturbances. 01:48:18 CU sun flares photographed thru chronograph. 01:48:28 Fitting metal plate onto chronograph. 01:48:31 Dramatic sun flares. 01:48:44 View out roof of observatory. 01:48:46 Large roiling & exploding sun flares. 01:48:59 Title: Photographed from a rocket 135 miles above New Mexico... 01:49:06 V-2 rocket on stand, movie / motion picture camera fitted. Rocket lifts off. 01:49:17 Views of earth from rocket intercut w/ rocket rising. View of spinning earth from descending rocket. 01:50:08 Title: Natural History....Florida Everglades. 01:50:21 Aerial over swamp & river from blimp w/ shadow seen moving across. Birds in flight on mangrove. 01:50:42 View past pilot out window. Birds. 01:50:48 Men in outboard thru trees in swamp. MCU of birds nesting, Wood Ibis chicks w/ down; hatching Blue Heron beside another egg. Flocks of mature Wood Ibis, flying. 01:51:30 Men in outboard. 01:51:32 Alligator, man approaches w/ large stick; grabs jaws & holds shut. 01:51:49 Blimp motor & white tailed deer below. Int. of blimp gondola. Deer running. Cameraman silhouetted in doorway of blimp. Slow motion of deer running. LS of water & islands. 01:52:28 Title: Aviation... 01:52:39 Four-engine Blackburn Universal air freighter landing at 12th annual show of British Aircraft Constructors. Men looking. Car out of rear of plane w/ cameraman filming from roof of car; POV past line of planes & spectators. Short’s S.A.4 Sperrin heavy bomber w/ twin jets on each wing; Vickers Valiant takes off. Hawker P.1067 Interceptor fighter (flying fastest seen in public); Avro 707 Delta Wing; cameraman’s car back into Blackburn Universal airplane. 1951 Farnborough Exhibition. 01:53:46 Early amphibious box-wing plane by Gabriel Poulaine-Orange taking off from water & landing; Antoinette; Santos Dumont & Bleriot; other early planes. 01:54:25 MCU First licensed woman pilot Baroness de Laroche, ca 1909 in her plane. 1910 Vickers Sloan bicurve biplane w/ arched upper wing; Paulhan’s 1911 tri-plane. Experimental Aviation; History; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: