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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250006-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951,1969
Country: China,Korea,USA
TC Begins: 12:11:10
TC Ends: 12:25:15
Duration: 00:14:05
Titles. 12:11:46 Frank Knight introduces Henry Hazlitt and William Bradford Huie who talk w/ Representative Walter H. Judd, Republican of Minnesota, as one of administration’s most vocal critics of policy in Asia. 12:12:52 re possible extension of war in Orient? “Yes, I’ve been convinced from the beginning... 12:13:10 “Do you favor an extension of the war? “No, I would hope you can prevent... Says the Communists are determined to win.” “The Golden Moment (to get them to quit) has passed... 12:15:00 Talks about negotiating w/ Chinese Communists. Says 1946 cease-fire in China didn’t bring peace, but brought war. 12:16:4? Judd asked if he regrets any of his past positions. 12:17:?? Why have you emphasized China so much? “I think God is responsible for that...” Describes Asia as a hand & names various countries, says if you cut off any one finger / country the others will come back. 12:18:3? “How did we get into this war...wasn’t it at Yalta?” Relates having given Manchuria (minerals etc) to Russia. 12:19:2? “We brought Russia in... We miscalculated right straight down the line... (at Quebec Conference Churchill & FDR agreed on friendship w/ Moscow & every effort made to get along w/ an enemy...) 12:20:5? Judd asked where responsibility lies in Congress for the foreign policy. “This is one that we don’t have to take responsibility for because we’ve (Republicans) fought it every step of the way... 12:21:3? How would you characterize our foreign policy overall? Judd: Well, our foreign policy was based on the belief that we could win the friendship of the Kremlin by sacrificing our allies; we could woo our enemies by betraying our friends. And now our policy, since that other one has failed, is devoted to trying to explain why we couldn’t win instead of finding the means by which we could win. And I say this, I hope that we’ll turn over a new leaf & get our policy into the hands of people who can think about the future instead of the past.” 12:22:14 Announcer wraps it up w/ commercial for specialty watches. Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Korean War; Anti-Communist; Anti-Communism; Cold War; 1951; Dec51; NOTE: Judd had been a medical missionary in China 1925-31 & 1934-1938. NOTE: Source is kinescope; sound is badly out of sync; may be corrected in editing. Film may have been heat-damaged in fire.