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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220472-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Australia,England,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,Philippines,Ukraine,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Berlin,Crimea,London,Manila,MILAN,Nagasaki,New Yrk City,NYC,Pacific,Paris,Potsdam,Washington,Yalta
TC Begins: 09:09:53
TC Ends: 09:15:14
Duration: 00:05:21
Post-WWII - 1945, Year Ender Newsreel: 1945 - Year Of Victory Main title: Movietone News over eagle & military montage. 09:10:17 Intertitle: 1945 - Year Of Victory. 09:10:22 Intertitle: Newsreel Review of Greatest News Year In History. 09:10:27 Street fighting among destroyed buildings during invasion of Germany. 09:10:39 Yalta Conference w/ Churchill, President Roosevelt & Stalin. FDR burial. Truman sworn in. Berlin in flames. Hitler w/ Mussolini, Goering & others study map. Mob in Rome & Mussolini’s body hung by heels. Hitler’s bunker in Berlin. Gasoline canisters which burned his body; Hitler’s coat & Eva Braun’s clothes. General Keitel signs Germany’s surrender w/ Eisenhower. 09:11:48 Ike parades & rides thru London in carrriage; awarded English honors; motorcade thru Paris; w/ wife off plane & ticker-tape parade in US. 09:12:26 Pacific naval battle & land fighting. Kamikaze attacks on ships. MacArthur returns to Philippines. Manila burning, Iwo Jima flag hoisting. 09:13:04 Churchill loses election to Attlee. Prime Minister Attlee w/ Truman & Stalin at Potsdam Conference w/ Byrnes & Molotov behind. 09:13:27 Atom bomb test blast. Nagasaki blast seen from above. Truman at White House announces Japan’s surrender, SOF: “I deem this reply a full acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration which specifies the unconditional surrender of Japan.” 09:14:00 High Angle / HA of massive crowd at VJ Day celebration in Times Square. Sailor on shoulders kissing woman. LS. Man dancing & hopping by himself down street as people watch in Australia. 09:14:23 Surrender of Japan aboard Battleship Missouri (BB-63) w/ MacArthur. General Umezu signs. 09:14:31 Crowded ship carrying returning troops. Sailor welcomed by families, children & wives. 09:14:54 San Francisco. United Nations meeting & SOF excerpt of Truman speech re lasting peace under the guidance of God. WW2; Montage; Summary; Fighting; Battles;