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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221595-36
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 02:41:02
TC Ends: 02:44:02
Duration: 00:03:00
Pres. Roosevelt Reports On Crimea Meeting 02:41:07 Ext. of Capitol w/ crowds as motorcade arrives. Int. w/ arrivals for joint session. FDR seated at table, speaks (SOF): “Its been a long journey; I hope you also will agree it has been, so far, a fruitful one. Speaking in all frankness, the question of whether it is entirely fruitful or not, lies to a great extent in your hands. For unless you were here, you here in the halls of the American Congress, with the support of the American people, concur in the general conclusions reached at a place called Yalta, and give them your active support, the meeting will not have produced lasting results. There were two main purposes in this Crimea conference: the first was to bring the defeat of Germany w/ the greatest possible speed, & the smallest possible loss of Allied men. The second purpose was to continue to build the foundation for an international accord that will bring order & security after the chaos of the war; and would give some assurance of lasting peace among nations of the world. 02:42:47 The Conference in the Crimea was a turning point. I hope in our history, & therefore in the history of the world, it will soon be presented in the Senate & the American people a great decision which will determine the fate of the United States, & I think therefore the fate of the world, for generations to come. There can be no middle ground here. We shall have to take the responsibility for world collaboration; or we shall have to bear the responsibility for another world conflict. And I am confident that the Congress & the American people will accept the results of this conference as a beginning of a permanent structure of peace; upon which we can begin to build, under God, that better world in which our children & grandchildren - yours & mine - children & grandchildren of the whole world must live & can live.” Standing applause. WWII USA Homefront Speech; President Roosevelt; FDR; 1945; WW2;