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Mechanical Aptitudes (1951)

Reel Number: 221642-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1951

Country: USA


TC Begins: 17:18:52

TC Ends: 17:28:30

Duration: 00:09:38

Mechanical Aptitudes Coronet Instructional Films 17:19:11 Guy in Chevrolet car can’t get motor to start; gets out & lifts hood; tries to think what the problem is. Sits by road until tow truck arrives. 17:19:50 CU Popular Mechanics cover, reading about building a boat. Man (counselor?) & young woman out of office; man looks at magazine: “Mechanics, are you interested in that sort of thing?” They talk: “Something has been on my mind for some time; engineering. I think I’d like to be an engineer but...I don’t want to waste my time. Is there any way to find out if I’d be wasting my time?” Counselor talks about woman who had left: CU of file. 17:21:16 She talking to counselor (MOS). Shows her questionnaires & tests. Montage of doing tests, projects for courses. 17:22:19 Boy & counselor talking (SOF) about tests for mechanical ability; they look at tests he took earlier. Talk more about his interests. 17:23:25 MCU boy assembling erector set & model airplane. CU doing geometry homework. Counselor gives him mechanical aptitude test. Times him putting washers on pins. CU hands in various ways. 17:24:47 They look at result at end of test. “You did very well...” 17:24:55 Montage: micrometer; typing; carpentry; switchboard; dentist working; welding. 17:25:25 Counselor gives him test in mechanical intelligence. 17:26:10 Boy thinking about what jobs use mechanical intelligence w/ montage of shots of jobs. Discuss what classes he can take; counselor sits on desk talking. Talks to camera “What about you?” Have you... 17:28:03 Tow truck operator closes hood; car starts. The End. High School Guidance Counselor; 1950s; Americana; 1951; Teenager; Youth; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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