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1947 - Educational Films, USA: Government - How We Elect Our Representatives

Reel Number: 221278-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1947,1940s,1950s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 08:03:20

TC Ends: 08:13:33

Duration: 00:10:13

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Titles. 08:03:35 Mary reading, eating chocolates. Man to porch & rings door bell; tells Mary about upcoming primary election talking on porch. 08:04:34 Mary registers to vote the next day. Narrator talks about poll tax as necessary in some states; Mary takes Oath, swears truthfulness of statements. Signs registration card. 08:05:44 Mary looks at posters on fence on way home. Sits & reads newspaper in living room. Sample ballot in newspaper. Talks w/ family in living room. 08:07:23 Mary walking to poll, gets literature from party workers. Goes into polling place & signs register, then given ballot & goes to booth. Party watchers & policeman beside booths. 08:09:08 Mary leaves, reads results next day in newspaper. 08:09:20 Nominees campaign, speak for their election. Bunting & candidates picture on stage; people sit quietly in audience. She sits w/ friends on floor in front of large phonograph-radio console. 08:10:06 Newspaper headline: General Election Is Today. Into booth & CU ballot & pen besides candidates marking ballot. Leaves booth & puts ballot in box. Flag taken in & votes counted w/ watchers observing. 08:11:24 Marking count on tally sheets. Ballots voided or invalidated. 08:12:32 Writing returns on chalkboard & man at adding machine doing count (GOOD). Mary checks newspaper next day. Shows results to her father & they shake hands. Summary Mary into voting booth. 08:13:27 The End. Elections; Democracy; Educational Film; Instructional Film; 1940s; 1947; NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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