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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250202-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1956
Country: USA
Location: renton,Seattle,Washington
TC Begins: 01:12:07
TC Ends: 01:30:21
Duration: 00:18:14
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Aviation - Color, 1956, Boeing Corporate Film: Jet Stratotanker Rolling main titles, large hanger door opening & tractor / tug pulls first Boeing KC-135 out, 18Jul56, w/ workers watching. 01:13:12 B-52 climbing after leaving runway r. to l., camera pans w/ the aircraft. Aerial in flight. 01:13:45 Aerial of KC-97 w/ booom extened; seen from in tanker refueling F-84 fighter jet. Camera in left side blister of KC-97 shows RB-45C refueling, breaking away. 01:14:12 Aerial side-view of KC-97 refueling B-47 bomber. low angle, KC-97 refueling B-47 (wheels down); & KC-97 refueling B-52 above cloud layer w/ landing gear down on B-52. 01:14:37 CU from KC-97 boom operator's position, B-52 during refueling. 01:14:43 Boeing field, MS & LS 367-80 jet transport takes off on 15Jul54. Renamed KC-135; MS testing refueling boom & maneuvers. 01:15:44 Camera in KC-135 boom operator's position shows B-52 coming into contact position w/ refueling boom. Camera in pilot's compartment of B-52 shows KC-135 in fueling position. KC-135 boom operator's view of B-52 refueling. Boeing 367-80 landing. 01:16:22 Parts of fuselage moved to hanger for tests; various test equipment & portions of fuselage. 01:17:40 Manufacturing subcontractors & construction of assembly plant, men working on parts & moving large parts for assembly in Seattle by truck, railroad. Joining parts in assembly line. LS of assembly floor. 01:19:30 Large milling machines; working honeycomb material while frozen. Fastening airplane skins on jigs. 01:20:19 Final assembly on tarmac, men working around & in it. 01:20:45 Cutaway illustration of plane showing tanks. Construction on tail section. Boom operator; men assembling boom. 01:21:49 Pilot & crew training at Boeing Training School for USAF & contractor personnel showing the KC-135 cockpit trainer & training aids, charts, parts. Cockpit tests, wing spoiler testing, rudder & elevators. Jet engines shown which can be started without external equipment. Installation of recorders. 01:24:37 30Aug56 Taxiing tests; POV from cockpit. 31Aug56 First KC-135 takeoff. Aerial of gentle maneuvers: rocking slowly right & left at approximately 10,000 feet w/ landing gears down. CUs pilot operating controls. KC-135 in stall tests over Seattle Bay area; cockpit shot, Mt Rainier in background. 01:26:35 Landing w/ KC-135 on final approach over Seattle warehouses; low over camera. 01:27:35 KC-135 taking off toward & past at the Renton Plant. CU hands on controls. Inflight checks of boom seen from boom operator's compartment & camera chase plane showing boom operator opening hydraulically actuated door, boom being lowered & extended; CU's azimuth & telescoping meters on operator control panel; a B-52 moving up, making contact, being refueled, & boom being disconnected from the B-52. AV's B-52 in flight to the right below & behind the KC-135 - refueling boom is extended. Both aircraft bank left & fly a normal turn above good cumulus clouds. 04:03:34 Title: The End. Cold War; 1950s; Instructional Film; Promotional Film; Educational Film; USAF: Strategic Air Command; NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: