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Building An Outline (main title missing)

Reel Number: 221360-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA


TC Begins: 16:30:45

TC Ends: 16:39:29

Duration: 00:08:44

Building An Outline (19??) Coronet Instructional Films Main title missing For report, outline required. Bill & Jim in library, Bill wants to read still more rather than outline. Jim wants to save time by developing an outline. 16:31:55 Jim looks at file card, CU. Bill w/ pile of books. Jim reading about how to make outline, takes notes. Boys visually shush each other to be quiet. Writing steps as to how & why to do an outline, page shown in mcu. Outlines how to make report & outline. CU page. CU & MCU of boys writing, reading. 16:34:50 Jim at home at desk working on his outline. Page shown Outline of Outlining. Note taking for bibliography; rearranging. 16:37:48 Bill & Jim in History class. Bill is franticly writing as Jim looks bored at him & shakes his head. 16:38:24 Teacher giving back reports. CU Jim’s Report: Very Good! An Excellent Outline. Bill looking frustrated & shaking head, turns thumb down. The End 1950s High School teenagers; NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.

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