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How We Learn

Reel Number: 221674-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1951

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:00:11

TC Ends: 06:10:00

Duration: 00:09:49

Title. 06:00:30 SOF. Teenage boy, Jim, in school science lab trying to impress friends w/ ‘magic’ tricks; all back to desks as teacher comes over - asks Jim to stay after class - explains how razor blade floats on water & about surface tension. MCU Jim looks worried. 06:01:42 Students leaving classroom. Jim shows the razor blade trick; fills glass w/ water to form miniscus above edge of glass w/ surface tension. 06:03:27 Teacher shows its been explained in previous lessons; discusses w/ Jim why he’s falling behind w/ physics work & uses examples of how people learn effectively. “Was that learning?” 06:04:48 Young boy given scissors & paper, mother shows him how to use them & praises him. 06:05:30 Jim listening to teacher; they talk. 12:28:35 06:06:05 Jim in typing class, w/ teacher; students copy typing. Betsy who is doing well at typing because she has set a goal of becoming a secretary. 12:29:37 06:07:08 Jim in English class - reading in small group. 06:07:49 Jim in Spanish class - good student writing on blackboard. 06:08:32 Physics class - fade to good student Eddy carrying out experiment. Teacher sums up necessities of proper learning - “and just remember Jim, when a ready mind comes into contact with appropriate materials, learning can take place” - teacher covers glass of water w/ paper and turns it over. Teaching; 1950s American High Schools; Educational Films;

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