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Language of Mathematics, The

Reel Number: 221201-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1949

Country: USA


TC Begins: 20:00:00

TC Ends: 20:10:21

Duration: 00:10:21

The Language of Mathematics Coronet Instructional Films EXT old high school building. INT fire drill montage, CU Fire Drill Only button pressed, alarm sounds, boy looks up. Teenagers file down corridor complaining at one another “who’s holding up the line?” etc. CU Central High News, ‘West Wing Lags In Drill’. Fire Committee meeting w/ students discussing problems in west wing & how to improve fire drills (SOF) “we really need mathematics to handle this!” - teacher turns to camera, “how often we need this language of mathematics to solve problems...” Girl & boys talk. 20:03:25 Cut to bridge under construction w/ teacher’s voice-over; animated diagram of bridge w/ list of mathematical terms. Plans of amphitheatre w/ Roman numerals. CUs modern numbers in use; pocket watch w/ back removed to reveal mechanism. Cash register, scales, bank cheque aka check, calculator - mathematical calculations & graphs. Back to teacher in office. 20:06:33 Next meeting of fire committee; student present information gathered to teacher. Graph re increase in number of students, statistics on class sizes. 20:09:45 CU wall clock 10.15 Fire drill initiated - teacher monitors w/ stopwatch. CU horn, CU stop watch. Problem Solving; Numbers; 1940s US High Schools; Nerds; Geeks.

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