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Learning About Sound (1955)

Reel Number: 221642-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1955

Country: USA


TC Begins: 17:11:21

TC Ends: 17:18:31

Duration: 00:07:10

Learning About Sound Encyclopaedia Britannica Junior Film Explanations of how sound is made. 17:11:38 Billy in paper Indian headdress watches kids playing in woods; having a party; games & yelling. 17:12:04 Kids in elementary school doing things in classroom playing drum, exercises. Instrument used to demonstrate sound made by vibrating string. 17:12:58 Book thrown on table; pounding on table; hitting fork like gong. Tuning fork struck & allowed to vibrate. 17:13:34 Animation of tuning fork vibrating. (looks psychedelic) GOOD. 17:13:50 MS Boy playing snare drum. Puts iron filings on drum head & seeing them vibrate into pattern. 17:14:33 Boy blowing whistle. Animation of sound movement in whistle. Flute players in tuxedo. Others playing in orchestra. 17:15:39 Oscilloscope turned on; wave form of various sounds in CU. Animation of sound & its waves & amplitude & wavelength of various sounds. Various pitches shown by playing glasses. 17:17:00 Sound of bell under water; metal fence tapped. Orchestra playing. 17:17:25 Diagram & animation of ear & sound moving thru ear to ear drum etc. 17:17:58 Summary of film. Abrupt end. Elementary Educational Film; 1955; 1950; Children; Science; Physics; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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