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Winds And Their Causes

Reel Number: 221201-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA


TC Begins: 20:52:29

TC Ends: 21:04:16

Duration: 00:11:47

Winds And Their Causes Coronet Instructional Films Teenager Pete & friend Jack launch new model gasoline powered airplane. Watch it crash in field. VO “now he wondered if something was wrong with the design”. Jack (VO) says its because of a wind. Cut to Jack w/ his own light plane at airfield, looks up at wind sock on hangar roof. Light aircraft taking off. Boys into car w/ model plane & drive off. 20:54:34 Pete explains failure of model plane to father at home MOS, notices cigarette smoke floating above lamp & remembers time his sister got feather to float above radiator; wind starts to make sense to him. Diagram of radiator w/ hot & cold air circulation. Pete kneeling in front of fire, smoke emerges from chimney. 20:56:00 Pete visits Jack at airfield, Jack draws diagram leaning on car hood, light plane in BG. CU animated diagram of rising air currents, look up at dark clouds. Jack jumps into car, Pete onto bicycle. 20:57:17 Thunderstorm. Pete quickly cycling home, looks up at black clouds, shelters from rain in gas station & wipes face. Traffic past w/ headlights on. Diagram explaining thunderstorms. Silhouette of branch blowing (GOOD). Pete cycling after thunderstorm, explains in VO why it feels cooler after storm. 20:58:46 Pete in small sailing boat w/ friends, fights against wind to get boat away from shore. Dusk & kids toast marshmallows over beach campfire. Diagram of cool & warm air currents. Pete at home reads about “great winds of the world” - uses globe. Diagrams of earth & air flow inc. Easterlies & Westerlies - high pressure either side of Equator - VO re effect of West winds on aviation. 4 engine commercial passenger plane. 21:02:37 Pete monitors wind directions on weather vane in backyard. Take record of winds for several weeks. Pete & Jack watch model plane in flight. Montage of example of wind effect. Weather; Meteorology; Geography; Educational Film;

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