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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221807-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s
Country: Czechoslovakia,England,France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Berlin,Munich
TC Begins: 04:00:11
TC Ends: 04:15:37
Duration: 00:15:26
1910s & 1920s: WWI German Troops & Officers; Poincare; German Elections; US Senators; Unid. British (?) & French officers pose, talking; German (?) troops leaving / walking w/ bicycles under entrance gate of military base, on bikes riding down cobblestone road & several fall. 04:00:52 Men walk / patrol on railroad bridge; patrolling w/ handcar pedaled on tracks. Slug. 04:01:16 1920 Food ration protest (?). Pan crowd, men & some women in heavy winter coats w/ snow in background, German placards seen; MS men wave hats to camera. Well dressed people pose. Slug. 04:02:08 Men carrying mounted placards on shoulders along street w/ packed trolley passing behind; large wagons w/ posters covering sides pulled by teams of draught horses on wet streets, pedestrians. Slug. 04:02:44 MS Poincare speaking / reading speech on stand w/ flags & bunting, CU profile speaking. 04:02:53 VIPs: Unid man in open car, people watch. Briand (?), bowler hat, w/ walrus mustache shipboard. 04:03:01 1920 or 1930s Germany (?). Well-dressed man in hat & topcoat waiting w/ others outdoors; others lined up outside ?? w/ signs & men wearing placards around shoulders; people moving into building. 04:03:22 Men riding in truck throwing leaflets, men on bicycles alongside, Brandenburg gate in background; MS throwing from back of truck, poster w/ portrait of man on back. Intersection & pedestrians w/ drifting leaflets. Police moving crowd along sidewalk & in crowded street. Slug. Massive crowd w/ placards walking in plaza; in front of Reichstag (?). Speaker & men on base of ornate statue, many listening w/ placards. Slug. 04:04:41 MCU Idaho Republican Senator Borah posing. Slug. 04:04:52 British & US (?) officers (?) talking & looking at flexible club w/ lethal spiked head; railroad flatcars w/ Mark V tanks, CU. British checkpoint w/ Scottish troops wearing kilts on road w/ machine gun, officer checks papers of peasant w/ goat. Soldier & officer sitting lighting cigarette in front of ruins. Unid. soldiers resting on roadside, 3 striped flag in background; riding in horse wagon in village & countryside. Slug. 04:06:07 Low Angle / LA MS & LS Senator Jeanette Rankin speaking outdoors in city, crowd listening. 04:06:49 1921 ca Germans welcoming Scottish detachment, men marching along w/ troops thru city. Slug. 04:07:40 Oct18 High Angle / HA Prague orderly crowds march & wave thru streets, fill square. Animated map showing new Czechoslovak Republic. Slug. 04:09:21 LA MS Senator Hiriam Johnson, Isolationist Progressive from California speaking, gesturing to cheering men; sitting in open car, standing on speakers stand w/ ??. 04:10:01 Paris. Mock anti-war parade w/ marchers & large float of army tank past sandbagged Opera. Slug. 04:11:54 Police along very long group of men thru railyard; one walks man w/ hands on head thru street. 04:12:48 Erich Ludendorff & other German officers in Pickelhaube / spiked helmet walking past Nazi troops; MCU Hindenburg w/ medals, crowd beside & behind. Nazi troops w/ flag marching out of columned monument. Crowd on sidewalk watching Nazis march along city street. Very large crowd in front of ?? Greek-style building w/ eight columns. Military cavalry parade led by mounted brass band reviewed, along dirt tree-lined “street”; infantry in soft caps marching past, pan to band playing on right of screen. 04:14:22 Unid. military & civilian VIPs reviewing troops near railyard. Slug. 04:14:42 MS Civilian in top hat out of car & past still photographers. 04:14:50 Hindenburg leading other military officers w/ medals reviewing helmeted troops at attention. 04:15:09 LS pan across massive crowd in front of Munich’s Reichstag surrounding enormous statues to monument in middle & large building in background. MLS w/ crowd of civilians cheering / raising hats. Men sitting & standing on lampposts; Communist (?) flags seen. Post-WW1; 1910s; 1920s; Ceremony; Peace; Nazis; Politicians; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.