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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250144-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 00:38:21
TC Ends: 00:43:24
Duration: 00:05:03
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 00:38:37 Hitler & other Nazi officers walking past lines of soldiers, reviewing. Police in black uniforms walking on sidewalk on opposite side of street. Hitler walks up to motorcyclist & shakes hands, others saluting. Overhead crowds watching. Hitler shaking hands w/ half-dozen racing car drivers, saluting. MCU crowds saluting. Race cars start on wet street; Hitler motorcade leaves in open touring car. Thru Brandenburg Gate, past troops & spectators, saluting. Car stops & Hitler & others out. 00:40:07 Tilt up art deco graphics of automobile show poster. 00:40:16 Interior w/ buglers w/ flags alongside podium. Hitler at podium speaking SOF. MCU spectators watching w/ Joseph Goebbels in audience; Goebbels at podium. Curtains open & unveiling of Mercedes automobile; Hitler w/ two civilians approach, greeted by civilians. Goebbels watching. Everyone looking at car, 00:41:28 High angle pan across display floor w/ crowd looking at cars. MCU streamlined front of car. Hitler looking art spare tire; looking at sedan. LS of floor displays. 04:42:11 Illustration / poster of ?? Deutsche Kautschuk w/ tires across bottom. 04:42:17 Men beside rolls of rubber, CU hands pulling & tearing at it. CU tires. 04:42:31 CU of ?? MS of motorcycle; BMW motorcycle. People looking at other motorcycles, 04:42:46 Large motors w/ chrome mounted on stands. Montage of radiator w/ headlights; CU man looking at display; tank tracks turning; engines on stands rotating; CU eye dissolving into wheel into turning globe; overhead shots of traffic. 1937 German International Automobile Show; Feb37; NOTE: Mercedes logo, 3-pointed star w/ circle, was first used in 1937. NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: