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Go to HomepageReel Number: H2052-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961,1960s
Country: East Germany,Germany,USA,West Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 05:25:10
TC Ends: 05:30:54
Duration: 00:05:44
1961 - Cold War, Germany: Berlin, Troops Arriving. 19-20Aug61 CU plaque on front of jeep: Commanding General, Berlin Command. 05:25:14 LS, lead jeep of convoy enters Checkpoint Bravo; trucks & trailers of the 1st Battle Group, 18th Inf, 8th Inf Div, pass thru the checkpoint. MS, sign: For the next 2 miles you will be in the Soviet Zone - do not stop. Traffic passing. 05:25:56 Moving shots of US Army trucks on autobahn. Convoy entering Berlin on autobahn. Crowds line overpass & either side of exit road. 05:27:29 Troop convoy driving thru streets lined w/ cheering, waving people. CUs, MSs cheering people & American soldiers waving as they drive past. 1960s; Street Scenes; Diplomacy; Propaganda; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. If requested may combine w/ other complete rolls to total maximum 10 minutes for per reel rate.