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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221427-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 05:01:53
TC Ends: 05:10:01
Duration: 00:08:08
Berlin, Germany & Marienfelder Emergency Reception Camp, Aug-Sep61 Night & moving zipper sign: Berlin - Der US-Stadtkommandant Von Berlin, Watson, Hat Beim Sowjetischen Stadtkommandanten Solowjew Gegen Das - Verwerfliche Und Unverantwortliche Schiessen. 05:02:34 ...die Bundesrepublilk und die Sowjetzone zu Zwei Selbststandigen Staaten... 05:02:51 People outside buildings at Marienfelder emergency reception camp walking along sidewalk. Sign: Kuche on building, people waiting & going in. Sign: Notaufnahmelager on top of building, people waiting in line. MCU of sign. 05:04:25 MCU women working, assembling ?? at Telefunken factory workbenches; CU w/ screwdriver. Men moving boxes from loading dock onto conveyor belt & others taking off & stacking near warehouse ceiling. LS of stacked baxes & bags in warehouse. Narrow aisle. Pan across stacked sacks or bags. 05:06:58 Aerial over remains of Memorial Church, factories, coal stockpiles, railyard. River bank w/ bridge. 05:07:58 People leaving factory area w/ briefcases, showing guards papers (?). LS of same w/ brick arch over entrance. Car into area. 05:09:02 High angle of Marienfelder Emergency Reception Camp buildings, people on sidewalks. In front of bulletin board shaking hands, talking. Kids playing in sandbox & crib in front of living quarters or apartments. CU of children. Anti-Communism; Factory Workers; 1960s; 1961;