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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250005-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1947,1948
Country: Germany,Occupied GERMANY,USA
Location: Berlin,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 09:39:05
TC Ends: 09:43:07
Duration: 00:04:02
Title: Die Lage In Berlin (1947?) 09:39:11 US Army bulldozers pushing bricks & rubble, sand. LS across rubble. 09:39:26 Men working w/ large clam-shell crane loading small cars on trolley tracks; other women & men shoveling & picking at dirt mounds. MCU crane operator & loading carts. 09:39:49 Line of steam rollers compacting stones. 09:39:51 CU Newspaper headline re Potsdamer Platz; Markgrafs Polizei Schiebt. LS railroad station . 09:40:08 Allied military police, MPs, on foot & jeep watching pedestrians, & people on bicycles. General Herbert & other officers. People watching men digging, painting British Sector on pavement; military officers in open car w/ VIP civilians; people looking at ruins. 09:40:47 Looking at large sign: You Are Leaving The American Sector. Putting up sign British Sector. 09:40:58 Large government building w/ four flag poles w/ flags of occupying forces / countries. 09:41:02 Int. w/ military & civilian men around conference tables; CU of US, British & USSR Generals including Clay. 09:41:29 The End. Post-WWII German Occupation; Post-WW2 Occupied Germany; Military Government; 1947 ; 09:41:36 Title: New York - Die Tragodie Der Frau Kosenkina (Aug48) 09:41:41 Tilt down Rockefeller Center skyscraper; man walking on sidewalk reading newspaper. 09:41:51 CU still photo of Kosenkina aka Oksana Kasenkina (sic). 09:41:55 Ext. USSR / Soviet Embassy. CU plaque: Consulate General of the Union of Soviet Socialist... 09:41:59 Consul outside embassy, into limousine; men look in thru window. Photo of Oksana Kosenkina & ??. 09:42:09 Ext. Reed Farm, sign: Reed Farm Rest Home. Title down New York Federal Court House. MS Countess Tolstoy exiting w/ ?? & posing in front, down steps. 09:42:21 NYC police outside consulate. Interior USSR consulate courtyard of tilt down. Spiraling effect... 09:42:34 Couple w/ woman’s body on pavement, others w/ police arriving move Kasenkina inside; crowd around ambulance outside as she is carried on stretcher & ambulance begins to leave. Cold War Mystery; Kidnapping ; 1948;