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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220935-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 04:17:33
TC Ends: 04:23:09
Duration: 00:05:36
Fall of Berlin Pro-Soviet narration. Russian planes flying overhead, Russian officer watch from foxhole. Poor quality shots bombs away, aircraft strafing. Artillery and rockets fired. Russian tanks and troops advance. AV Berlin showing destruction. Russians loading big gun. Street fighting, locals run for cover. Man cutting meat / flesh from dead horse. Queue for water - woman licks moisture from finger after rubbing it on hole in barrel. Berlin’s Commandant Gen. Weidling questioned, points to map explaining strategy as urged by Hitler before suicide - post-30Apr. Red Army firing rockets in street. Soviet woman soldier handing out bread to Germans; soldier helping old man - VO says Red Army “saved all of Germany from the yoke of despised fascism”. Hand-held grenade launchers fired. Brandenburg Gate w/ burning wreckage in FG. 04:20:28 Chancellory damage exterior and interior. Debris littered in courtyard. Goebbels burnt remains. Radio tower. Fighting in the streets, artillery. Reichstag and red banners. Russian names of soldiers on columns. Liberated peoples, waves and cheers, celebrations. Crowds welcome Russian troops across Eastern Europe. 04:22:52 08May45 Keitel signs surrender document; CU signatures. WWII. VE Day.