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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221571-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1965
Country: East Germany,Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 03:19:03
TC Ends: 03:28:02
Duration: 00:08:59
May Day & Liberation Day Parades in East Germany, Color, 1965 MCU 08May65 Liberation Day Parade w/ East German military marching band, L-R. Soldiers w/ rifles marching, smiling in close formation & counting cadence. Navy sailors marching. Spectators lining street. 03:19:59 Jeep w/ soldiers & large flag mounted, spectators waving; other jeeps following. Trucks w/ rockets on trailers past sparse number of spectators. 03:20:52 Large plaza w/ line of East German flags flying from poles; large rockets passing on opposite side on tracked vehicle. Closer shot w/ large ruined building & empty grandstand behind. Other tracked & wheeled APC, armored personnel carriers, past & more rockets. GOOD. 03:23:54 Jeeps of soldiers & tanks, etc. seen over shoulders of spectators. Many spectators on opposite side of street. Series of small trucks w/ four small rockets mounted. Trucks w/ rocket-launchers. Trucks w/ soldiers in back, pulling / towing artillery. Tanks w/ men riding in open hatches past. Rockets on tracked vehicles. Various APCs. Cold War; Celebrations; Anniversaries; Communists; Communism; \