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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220857-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1948-1949
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 02:25:21
TC Ends: 02:35:30
Duration: 00:10:09
United Nations Delegation Visits Berlin, Germany 18Oct48 - 14 advisors from US UN Delegation, some w/ home movie cameras, arrive Templehof Airport in car convoy to see Berlin airlift. Group w/ US officers & officials at airport; runway construction or repair seen in background. Delegation in large stadium; on street see rubble; Soviet World War II Monument near Reichstag; at British Sector border. Groundman signals in a twin engine plane. UN delegation off plane; posing & into cars, leaving. 02:29:14 11Jul48 AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER BEN CHIEFLEY ARRIVAL Gatow, Berlin, Germany. Chiefley off plane greeted by VIPs including Gen. Herbert, British Commandant Berlin. Chiefley speaks (MOS) to BBC reporter & newspapermen. 02:31:20 14Mar49 DP JEWS LEAVE FOR PALESTINE FROM GERMANY Young men & women look at Palestine poster on door. Crowds in camp w/ Israel flag in BG. Band marches thru & young listen to speakers (MOS). Israeli flag flying from stand, German monument beside. 02:32:38 Procession of cars q/ flag & decorated (funeral?). Bus w/ branches over hood, filled w/ people & people follow as convoy leaves grounds. Procession of private cars, some decorated with branches moving thru city streets & arriving at railroad station. People walk & mill about; group at station singing. Young Jews board trains. Saying good bye to people on train who have flowers. Post-WWII Displaced persons; Jewish Refugees;