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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220875-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 07:37:12
TC Ends: 07:56:58
Duration: 00:19:46
FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1940s, Germany: Berlin Air Raid Bomb Damage Shots POV from car driving around Berlin showing devastation after bombing raid. Clearing up operations - people in streets. 07:38:35 Ground shots of cleaning up, damage / destruction. Street sign: Martin Luther Strasse; people walking thru rubble. Smoking building; furniture on streets. Wreckage in Potsdamer Bahnhof railway station ruined interior w/ destroyed railroad cars. Men talking, railway official w/ briefcase. Soldiers helping remove crate. Street sign in front of burned building: Muller Str. Chaussee Str. 07:40:27 People watch smoke rising from ??; high angle pan of traffic thru large intersection of wide streets. People pull carts, men working on electric wires. Car & bicycles thru flooded street. People walking seen from street & from inside damaged building. 07:42:49 Fires - burning buildings, ambulance. Food supplies handed out to civilian, cutting up bread, pile of loaves. MCUs. Street signs: Wilhelmplatz; Leipziger Str. 07:44:15 Burning buildings - buildings demolished - refugees etc. Scenes night & day following air raid on Berlin, fires & fire fighting. 07:47:47 Women & injured carry goods thru rubble of street w/ firehoses. Injured & amputee soldiers hobble w/ canes & crutches. Corpses / bodies on street; survivors move furniture & belongings. Graffiti chalked on building asking about survivors. Truck of soldiers thru street. 07:49:50 POV out of car past police, soldiers & civilians cleaning up. People digging out rubble, women & soldiers removing bricks; firemen hosing smoking debris. Soldiers arrive w/ picks & shovels, digging. Body removed from building. Old women removing bricks; other people carry carriage & suitcases. People push large handcarts; carry belongings in baskets. 07:54:17 Dead laid out in street, includes shots dead children & babies. Morgue / coffins w/ hundreds of bodies laid out in hall. WW2 Bomb Destruction; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: