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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250063-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944,1929
Country: Germany
Location: Ahrenshorst,Berlin
TC Begins: 05:00:21
TC Ends: 05:07:51
Duration: 00:07:30
WWII - German Rocket Flight explanation of solid fuel rockets, 1929 - 1932ca Title: So begann Reinhold Tiling im Jahre 1929 mit der Selbstherstellung von Raketen: Provisorische Handpresse im Kartoffelkeller... 05:00:32 Photograph of two men w/ mechanical press compacting ??. 05:00:36 Title: Selbstgebaute hydraulische Presse. Additional photographs & titles w/ equipment getting more complicated. Original drawings, charts; more titles. Workshop w/ small rockets.; illustrations. 05:02:50 Rocket on stand in field. Still photos of firing. 05:03:07 Three men preparing rocket for firing, 15Apr31. Firing & watching. NOTE: This was test firing of a rocket for post office. 05:03:51 Intertitle. Photographs of men w/ rockets. 05:04:10 Men moving rocket w/ sailboats in background. Assembled & prepared for firing in boat. Fired. Men retrieving from water w/ rowboat; Angela Buddenbohmer present. 05;05:00 Title re 21Aug32. Still of many rockets laid out on field. Stills of launchings. 05:05:23 Title: Vorfuhrung am 13Nov32 auf dem Tempelhofer Feld. Rocket launched, followed & spirals back. Man & woman w/ rocket on ground, others watching; posing for newsreel cameras. Rocket mounted on long barrel of fuel & put in position for firing on sand dune Fired & spirals back down. 05:07:14 Title: Erstes Kreiselflugzeugmodell aus dem Jahre 1929, bei dem die Tragflachen... 05:07:25 Two men w/ rocket or model demonstrating fins moving into position to slow fall. 05:07:37 Title: Wirkungsweise des “Kreiselflugzeuges” im Trick gezeight. MCU rocket ascending, spiraling back showing fins as horizontal blades. German Rocket Experiments; Hobby; Amateurs; Germany; 1930s; Solid State Rocket; solid fuel; Aviation Science; Scientist; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility. NOTE: Men probably include Reinhold Tiling, Friedrich Kuhr, his mechanic & Angela Buddenbohmer, Tiling’s assistant.