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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221741-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1938
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 17:28:16
TC Ends: 17:29:03
Duration: 00:00:47
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: 1938 - Medicine, USA: Fred Snite, Jr. Moved in Iron Lung. Jun38 17:28:19 Overhead shot of iron lung unloaded from ?? into truck. MCU Fred Snite, Jr. in lung w/ face reflected in mirror. MS being moved into truck; truck leaving w/ nurse inside & man waving fan across patient’s face. 17:28:38 POV following truck down street; traffic. 17:28:45 Men rolling iron lung into hospital. CU smiling man in iron lung w/ collar moving; CU pumping mechanism beneath lung operating. CU nurse & man’s face in mirror laughing. Infantile Paralysis; Poliomyelitis; Infectious Diseases; Medical Treatment; NOTE: Snite was flying in China when infected w/ polio; lived in iron lung until his death in 1954. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: