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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250041-41
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1941
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Florida,Illinois,Madison,New York City,NYC,Staten Island
TC Begins: 09:28:43
TC Ends: 09:30:55
Duration: 00:02:12
1941 - WWII, All America On Alert, Chicago, ILL.; Staten Island Destroyer Launching; Pilot Kelly Funeral 09:28:50 Large convention hall filled w/ men applauding; large American flag raised, soldiers march in. Banner on balcony: Remember Pearl Harbor, Be Ready! 09:29:02 US & ?? flag carried in. MCU man speaking (MOS) at microphone, men w/ right hands raised taken oath or ??. MS banner: President Roosevelt & Mayor Kelly - We Are Ready! 09:29:16 Title: Staten Island, N.Y. Woman breaking bottle at launch ship (DD-492?), next to keel of USS Beale (DD 471). Welders working on keel of DD 471. Unidentified launched ship in water. 09:29:40 Two young women w/ flowers & wrapped bottle. Launching unid. partially completed ship (NOT DD-492) 09:30:08 Title: Madison, Fla. - Home Town Holds Special Rites For Pilot Hero Kelly. (heat damage) Outside church, fly-over; family, wife & child. Title: Victory For America. WW2; Home Front; NOTE: Heat damage from fire beginning ca 09:29:40. First launching is probably USS Bailey (DD-492) 19Dec41. NOTE: Colin Kelly, Jr was first pilot of first American B-17 to be shot down in combat. He died 10Dec41. NOTE: If requested will provide unrelated material, 09:25:36 - 09:30:55 (4 cards), at per reel rate.