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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221657-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1965-1968,1960s
Country: Angola,China,Korea,Portugal,USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois,New York City,NYC,United Nations
TC Begins: 23:05:00
TC Ends: 23:14:36
Duration: 00:09:36
1960s - Color, United Nations, US Mission & Diplomacy Pt. 2 of 3 Continued... Meeting in UN Development Programme building, Ambassador Tex Goldschmidt, Bob Kitchen meet w/ Paul Hoffman, Director. Talks re projects to cut tensions in the world, prosperity to help cut tensions in various countries. 23:06:53 Ext. Delegates arrive for General Assembly including Gromyko, Africans, Dean Rusk. Interiors, delegates up escalators. Assembly take seats. Various shots assembly hall. Congressman, Democrat L.H. Fountain addresses the Assembly re question of China & the Assembly. Republican Congressman William S. Broomfield addresses the First or Political & Security Committee re Korean question. 23:10:01 US Representative Arthur J. Goldberg meets w/ private citizens to the delegation: Robert S. Benjamin, Joseph Sisco, Charles G. Mortimer. 23:10:47 Passenger plane taxiing. Ambassador Goldberg out of Chicago airport & into limousine w/ others. 23:11:21 Goldberg (SOF) addresses foreign policy conference at the Chicago World Affairs Council. Says progress at the UN on some questions is painfully slow. 23:12:30 Various groups at the UN in briefing meetings. Goldberg taking high school students on guided tour of the UN grounds, answers students’ questions re South West Africa, Angola & Portugal; students ask how UN guides are recruited. Continued... Public Relations; Politics; Diplomacy; 1960s; Diplomats; Hosting; Entertaining; United States State Department; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of 3 cards (22:55:18 - 23:25:57) sold at per reel rate.